About the Dictionary

This dictionary is a work-in-progress by the East West Center for Macrobiotics and the George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation. It is based on the writings of George and Lima Ohsawa, Herman and Cornellia Aihara, and Michio and Aveline Kushi.

Purpose and Background

The purpose of this project is to provide a dictionary of terms used in macrobiotic practice. The idea for such a dictionary was first proposed in 1979 by then-editor of Macrobiotics Today, Sandy Rothman, who continues to help with the project by pointing out entries that need greater clarity. The size and scope of the dictionary project has grown over the years and currently has over 1,200 projected entries. A few entries include a quote from George Ohsawa.

The dictionary is available online for free due to the generosity of our sponsors and numerous macrobiotic individuals and organizations. If you find it useful and/or want to help with the project, your donation will be greatly appreciated.

Another way readers can help is to contact us to offer suggestions for additional listings or changes to current ones. We also intend to make PDF books from George Ohsawa and others available for purchase from this website in the near future.

Process and Future Plans

Step 1: Complete and upload initial entries for each letter of the alphabet.

Step 2: Finish all entries — in all over 1,200 entries are projected.

Step 3: Refine all entries and add a store to this website.

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